Semalt: Dos And Don'ts For Writing A Winning About Us Page

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. What is an About Us Page? 
  3. Understanding the About Us Page
  4. How to Make Your About US Page Stand Out Nicely
  5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

If you own a small to medium-sized business or visit websites frequently, it's likely that you have heard of the About Us page or, in fact, have one on your website. The About Us page is typically located at the bottom of most business websites. It is an incredibly powerful aspect of your web content strategy. Sadly, regardless of their relevance, About Us pages are sometimes overlooked. Yet, when they're written and formatted effectively, they can really help your business to set itself apart from your competitors, distinguish itself from the competition, leave a good impression on existing customers, and ultimately, help show off your brand personality.

2. What is an About Us Page? 

The About Us page is a vital component of your website because it serves a very important purpose. When people are browsing the Internet, chances are they'll come across your website at one point or another. Your About Us page tells them what business is about, what products or services you offer, your brand dynamics, etc. For that reason, it's important that you make your About Us page as informative and interesting as possible. By doing this, you not only help give your site a compelling personality, but you also help your audience understand more about your business and brand.

Some people sometimes confuse the About Us Page and the Contact Us page, but usually, they are two different web pages of any website. While the About Us page describes your business as well as the products or services you offer, the Contact Us page lists your address (for physical visits or mails delivery), your business's telephone number, email address, etc. But some people do place the contact information within the About Us page. In cases like that, they do away with the Contact Us page.

For example, if you're a realtor, your About Us page plus contact information should list your main business address, as well as the address of your office. In addition to this, it should list other personal information about you, such as your phone number and email address. It should also provide a brief description of the main business purpose of your website and the sort of work you do.


3. Understanding the About Us Page

The About Us page is extremely important because it provides visitors with a quick overview of your business. By providing a short, concise overview of who you are and where you work, you give them a good idea of what type of work you do and why people should be contacting you. This also allows you to answer any questions they may have before visiting your website. You can also put in a short bio about you, either including information about your business or just about you as a person.

Your About Us information should be presented in a professional manner, without slandering your business. It should also be organized by categories, with the most important information at the top. This way, visitors to your website will find out all they need to know about you without stress. It is common for business owners to include a photo of themselves or their company. If you don't already have a blog, this is a great way to get one started quickly and easily. Include a link to your blog in all communication regarding your business. You should also list all of the products and services that you offer as well as a short biography of yourself and your business.

When it comes to learning how to create a standard about us page for your website, there are some things you should keep in mind. First of all, what is your about us page going to tell the search engines? The more text you include on your about us page, the more likely search engines will consider you to be authoritative on that topic. This is why many people use short names on their about us pages instead of a full URL. This way, the name of the page is not as important as the name of the company, and it can get you a lot closer to the top of the search engine results.


You also want to make sure that you are using a consistent font and style throughout your site. A standard About Us page is not hard to implement, but it does take some time to get used to. In fact, many people will begin their internet marketing journey using a blank web page as their standard about us page. This way, they can get used to the layout and feel of the website before actually adding content. You should do the same.

4. How to Make Your About US Page Stand Out Nicely

It is vital to the overall feel of your About Us webpage that it should be a cohesive, consistent part of your website. You want visitors to be able to quickly understand who you are and what you do. You need your About Us page to "get out" and give your potential clients a little insight into who you are and what you do. Without this information, they will be more apt to follow the link to your webpage or even to visit in the first place.

What does this mean? That it has to be easy to read, easy to find, and easy to follow. If your About Us page is not standard in any way, then you will have lost a great potential visitor to your site. Do you really want to lose this person? Probably not, so make sure that your page is as neat and organized as it can possibly get. Here are some tips on how to make your About Us page more uniform and professional.


First, your page header and background color need to be in harmony with the rest of the page. When we talk about continuity, this means that if one paragraph of your About Us page contains red text, then the rest of the page needs to do the same. In other words, your page header and background color need to be in a constant tone with the rest of the content. If there is too much contrast between the two colors, the reader may lose interest very quickly.

Easy Flow

Make sure that all the content on your About Us page flows seamlessly from paragraph to paragraph. Don't try to cram everything in there. Keep the information moving, and don't get too caught up in one part. Your readers are trying to remember who you are, what you do, and why they should visit your site in the first place. Don't bog them down.

They make everything easier to read. A lot of people use lists, which works fine, but lists tend to be too cramped and hard to read. Try using bullet points. They make reading easy and convenient. Just make sure that your bullet points are relevant to what they're pointing to.

Short and Sweet

Keep your About Us section short and sweet. If you want to give your visitors an overview of what your website is about, then you should probably just cut it out altogether. People don't have the time to read a long explanatory essay about your company. If you really want to explain what your company does, then you could probably just as well just tell them in your About Us section. Don't make them hunt for the information you want to present. That makes them wait until you're ready to speak, and it's really not helpful to them.


Make sure that your font size and style are readable. When someone is surfing the Internet, there's not a lot of room to enlarge fonts or make other kinds of mistakes with text formatting. This is one thing that search engines look at, and they can penalize you if they think that your website looks unprofessional.

Clear Template

Finally, use a clear and easy-to-read template. Make sure that your template has a good color scheme, one that matches the background of your website. Don't just pick a boring template because it's cute. You can make your About Us page standard without it being bland and boring; it just needs to convey the right message.

5. Conclusion

Creating a standard about us page is one of the best ways that you can promote your business. It will let potential clients know who you are without giving away too much information. You will be able to tell them more about the products and services that your company offers. Most importantly, though, you will be able to let them know that your company is ready to help others. If you can do this, you will be on your way to making a name for yourself in the online world.

Unfortunately, there is not a standard format for an about us page. This is because a lot of companies use their own special formatting for their about us pages. While this is true for many companies, it is also true that some use very specific formatting. Your About Us Page really depends on what kind of company you're dealing with or the kind of products and services you're offering. Semalt can help you create the right About Us Page that suits your kind of business and, of course, your brand personality.